Save Energy in the Kitchen and Cut Your Electric Bill

Man kan sagtens lave mad og spare på energien samtidigt.

The kitchen is home to many appliances, most of which rely on electricity—ovens, refrigerators, freezers, air fryers, and mixers. But did you know you can easily save energy in the kitchen without compromising the quality of your meals?

During the energy crisis, we adopted many good habits that still make sense to incorporate if we want to reduce our carbon footprint and save money.

It doesn’t take much more than a little awareness to make a small difference. And why not start in the heart of your home—the kitchen—where we use a lot of energy to cool, heat, and prepare food?

With five simple tricks, you can save energy and money while making your kitchen routines more eco-friendly.

1. Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

When buying kitchen appliances, look for energy ratings. Choose appliances that fit your needs to avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Size matters too—a larger appliance uses more energy, even with a good energy rating. Always consider what your household requires before making a purchase.

2. Use Appliances Mindfully

Small changes can make a difference. Use only the energy you need—fill the kettle with just the amount of water you require, and run your dishwasher or washing machine only when fully loaded. Washing clothes at 30°C can also save energy.

3. Turn Off Standby Power

Appliances like dishwashers, microwaves, and washing machines consume energy even in standby mode. Turn them off completely when not in use. Over time, these small actions can lead to significant savings.

4. Save Energy While Cooking

Boil only the necessary amount of water and use lids on pots and pans to heat them faster. Turn off the stove a few minutes before the food is fully cooked and let the residual heat finish the job. Avoid opening the oven door frequently, as this lets heat escape and requires extra energy to maintain the temperature.

5. Optimize Cooling and Freezing

Let hot food cool before placing it in the fridge or freezer. Defrost your freezer regularly and open it only when necessary. Keep your fridge temperature at a maximum of 5°C and ensure there is space behind the fridge for better air circulation.

Small Changes Make a Big Difference

It doesn’t take much to save energy and reduce your carbon footprint. Small changes can turn into good habits that benefit both the climate and your wallet.